Sales Letter Example

Here is an example of my short online sales letter…

If it wasn’t for my Mom’s money lessons… I wouldn’t have $25,000 in savings

By Candice Campbell

Dear Parent,

My name is Anna, and I have $25,000 in savings and zero debt. You see, my mom is a big reason for my financial success…

My siblings and I were lucky our mom stayed at home. Mom was there for us, and she raised us differently from other children…

You see… Our mom made it her goal to give us a financial education. She made sure we were part of the family financial discussions. Mom let us balance her checkbook, plan out how much emergency savings we needed, and create a budget. When we went out into the world… None of us struggled financially.

But when I had two boys of my own, my problems came in… You see, only half of our school system teaches financial literacy… And between work and other commitments, I just couldn’t find time to teach my children finances.

To make matters worse, my boys didn’t care. Children are addicted to electronic devices, and my boys were no different. I nagged and pleaded with them to learn how to manage money, but they complained about how I took them away from gaming. I searched everywhere for an engaging financial literacy program, but my boys showed no interest. I complained mightily about my problems to my local mom group, and then the magic happened…

You see, other moms are frustrated like me… So, we got together to turn my Mom’s lessons into an engaging program. When we got everything done, we presented the program to our children… And guess what? It worked! My two boys got away from their games to learn about managing money. My boys started talking about the importance of emergency funds. And they opened up banking accounts and invested their earned allowances from chores. They’re also building up their credit score. My oldest can’t wait to start earning money at a job… He talks about investing his earned money into a Roth IRA… Our program was such a success with my boys!

Feeling encouraged, we named and launched our Budget Brainiacs program… And so far, we’ve had nothing but great feedback from mothers across the country. One mom from New Mexico recently wrote…

“Your program is fantastic. Every day, my kids ask… when are we going to do Budget Brainiacs? They love the games and they especially love earning points when they pass the quizzes. They each opened a bank account, and now they understand how interest works. It’s such a relief to know my children will be well-prepared for managing their money when they embark on their own lives as adults.”

– T. Bazell

Finally, my Mom’s priceless teachings can now reach children across the USA!

So, go ahead and get your FREE two-month trial of Budget Brainiacs at and see how hooked your kids will be and how much they’ll learn.

With membership to Budget Brainiacs, you’ll get…

  • A unique program created with your busy schedule in mind. As a very busy working mom, I helped design this financial literacy program to fit into your life, and not only that… I’m also a money expert, working as a banking executive, and I hold an MBA. My expertise will benefit your children!

  • You only have to log your children in. This program is so easy for your children to do on their own… You’ll end up having more than 32 minutes to yourself every day.

  • Keeps your children motivated. Our unique reward system will have your children look forward to learning finances. They will earn points from completing tasks, games, and quizzes. They can cash in those points to get either a backpack or the dozen other cool gadgets in our online store.

But hurry! This special offer won’t last long…

If you become a member now, you’ll get two months free of unlimited access to the Club… Plus, each family member will have their own Budget Brainiacs Family Center.

Why a 2 months free trial?

Because it takes two months for someone to turn a task into a habit. So, if your children are not regularly doing Budget Brainiacs every day, and if they’re not learning how to manage money… You can cancel anytime.

That’s right! If you don’t think your children are learning the critical life skill of handling money, you can cancel anytime. Plus, we also guarantee that you won’t have to teach them the material… So, if you’re ever needed beyond logging your children in, you can cancel your membership.

It’s a risk I’m willing to take because I strongly believe your children will not get enough of Budget Brainiacs… And they’ll be learning to manage money like pros. Plus, it’s a self-taught course, so you’ll also have rest after a long, busy day.

We’re also running a limited-time promotion of 50% off the monthly membership fee of $29. If you become a member now, you can save $14.50 every single month for a whole year. After your free trial, you’ll only be paying $14.50 every month for 12 months. You’ll end up saving a total of $174! You can spend more on your children’s education with the extra money!

So quick, get your membership today with our promotional code: #SAVE50%OFF. 

And due to how often money experts will be updating and making the courses even better… We won’t be able to do such a cheap promotion ever again. So sign up today!

Best Wishes,

Anna Anderson, CEO
Budget Brainiacs

P.S. Not only will you get our limited-time promotion, but we’ll also give you a free electronic subscription of Money for a whole year. And you’ll have time to read it because your children will be busy with Budget Brainiacs… But hurry, we can only give out 200 free subscriptions of Money! Become a member NOW and get your free subscription by the end of this month! Hurry, you won’t get a free subscription if you wait a minute longer…